Guess who's writing this post =]
yes is me. Mango. Mango Pudding or Whateva.
LOL. ahahahahaha~ great news, i coming back maple.
and hopefully WOF become alive again.
eventhough i'm that busy, i'll find time to come to maple.
Gratz everyone who lvl. and those who are very pro.
like xing,sam and flen =]
WOF will always RAWKS. Forever and Always!!!!!
Miss you guys alot. come maple and KABOOM with me!
I'll chiong for my 4th job also before my pmr comes =]
Let's chiong together and make this guild a more PRO GUILD !
Eventhough the gm is very very busy and maybe wont be back to maple.
we wouldnt noe. there's a chance. hopefully!!!!
End of post. I dunno what to write. BE ACTIVEEEE!!!!
-By: Lovesinmango